How to Use Rhubarb
May is the time for rhubarb harvest. I have researched ways of using rhubarb, and here is a list of what I have done this year.
Growing food is a priority for us and we are learning as we go along. We are trying out new and familiar annuals every year and we are particularly interested in perennials. We constantly look for berries, fruit trees and eatable plants that can form a regular source of food. Much of what we plant, we’ve not even tasted before, so we also need to learn to make food in new ways. Read more about what we grow and experience here.
May is the time for rhubarb harvest. I have researched ways of using rhubarb, and here is a list of what I have done this year.
Nothing tastes like natural apple juice. No sugar added. Just pure juice – delicious. Here are descriptions of the two methods I have used to make juice.
I have used the remains after steaming apples juice to make a tasty apple butter that can be used for baking or as a bread spread. See the recipe here.
The garden season 2022 is over. To our astonishment, we were harvesting produce, like salad, leek, kale, carrots, and parsnip until the end of November. That is not normal. Yet, it is time to sum up what went well and what we were less successful with this year.
April has been very cold with temperatures between 6-15 degrees celsius and lots of frost nights. However, in the greenhouse, the plants are doing fine.
January is nearing the end and my first seeds have already germinated. Last year was miserable in that respect. Due to the pandemic, Frank and I were stuck
Growing vegetables was my main motivation for buying a farm in Sweden. I have had a vegetable patch before, both in Northern Norway, as well as in my
Raspberries were the first plant we planted in our vegetable patch. I was eager to get anything growing and planted 30 raspberries type Asker and Veten, both types
I have always dreamt about having a garden. A space with lush foliage and mature trees. Lots of flowers through the entire summer as well as things to harvest. And, a place to sit and relax.
Despite telling everybody that we’re never going to have animals on our farm, we now have 12 young ducks. We’ve had them for 3 weeks, and they are doing fine. expanding and reconfiguring several flower beds.
Nothing tastes like natural apple juice. No sugar added. Just pure juice – delicious. Here are descriptions of the two methods I have used to make juice.