Apple Juice and more
Nothing tastes like natural apple juice. No sugar added. Just pure juice – delicious. Here are descriptions of the two methods I have used to make juice.
Nothing tastes like natural apple juice. No sugar added. Just pure juice – delicious. Here are descriptions of the two methods I have used to make juice.
The fruitcake contains a lot of dried fruit (600 g), and you can use any kind of fruit that you like. The recipe is easy to make and here is a description of how you do it.
My Success Tart Cookies are based on a Norwegian kake called The Success Tart (Suksessterte). It was invented in Vadsø in the late 1970s and quickly spread all over Norway. Today, you’ll find a lot of different versions of the recipe, but my cookies are based on the original recipe that I received from a native.
I have used the remains after steaming apples juice to make a tasty apple butter that can be used for baking or as a bread spread. See the recipe here.
This is a good way to use squash. The cake is very tasty and lasts for several days in room temperature.
The garden borders at Bliderud are under development. Some are created from scratch, while others are redesigned. But then again, I assume garden borders never are completely finished.