I always dreamt about having a garden. A space with lush foliage and mature trees. Lots of flowers through the entire summer as well as things to harvest. And, a place to sit and relax.
The interest for gardening is in my genes. My grandmothers, my mother and several of my aunts have been gardening enthusiasts. While some focused on flowers, others also grew eatibles. In any case, I think I’ve taken the interest to a more extreme level than any of my predecessors.
My Garden Dream
Over the years, I’ve created several gardens. I have shuffled dirt and lifted stones, created flower beds and ponds, and planted numerous of trees, shrubs, and plants. Unfortunately, by the time my gardens started to fill in and amount to something, I’ve had to move. Looking back, I have never stayed in one place more than 8 years. Accordingly, I have never seen any of my gardens mature.
With this in mind, I was eager to start the garden at Bliderud. Since I’m not getting any younger, I had no time to spare. And, for once in my life I’d really like to have a garden with mature trees and a place to sit and read in the shade of a tree.
How to Make my Garden Dream Come True at Bliderud
Fortunately, there had been a garden at Bliderud before. Though overgrown with grasses and weed, it had mature apple trees. This year, I placed two reclaimed chairs under one of the apple trees, thus, finally having a place to sit and readin the shade. If only the temperatures had been better.
There are also several mature trees surrounding the garden to the north and vest, but we have planted more. Furthermore, we have expanded the flower beds and created new flower beds, as well as a pond and an artificial stream. However, I’m now reaching a point where my plants are growing so large and wide that other plants and structures die or disappear.
Gardening Challenges
«Plant densely» I’ve been told. Well, obviously, it can be too dense. At this moment, it is impossible to see the pond from our terrace, nor from the seating area under the apple tree. The stream has also more or less disappeared under the growth. We have clearly too many tall and wide plants.
Then there’s the weed problem. Unwanted plants seem to pop up everywhere and it is a major task to weed them out. I particularly struggle with bind weed that seems to be everywhere in the ground. The second largest challenge is thorny thistles, which I fear have come with some soil I’ve bought.
What to do Now?
Now, I’ve come to the point where I think I have bit over more than I can chew. At this point, I recognise I should have taken more time to prepare the garden beds before planting. Maybe I could kept them under black plastic cover for one summer to kill the weed before planting. But, alas, I was too impatient. So, I have to lay in the bed I’ve made.
I’m not sure I will have the energy to do more this year. Anyhow, in the end, I will have to move a lot of trees, shrubs and perennials. I think the first task will be to dig out the entire pond area and even the pond itself. Not looking forward to that, but I will focus more on the garden and less on growing food next year.
Fingers crossed.
Well, I am closer to fulfilling my garden dream. However, as they say, no pain – no gain. Maintaining a garden takes some effort. In the end, I suppose it comes down to finding the correct balance between work and comfort. And, accept some weed.
Have a look at my garden through my garden walk.