Lemon Squash Bread
This is a good way to use squash. The cake is very tasty and lasts for several days in room temperature.
This is a good way to use squash. The cake is very tasty and lasts for several days in room temperature.
The garden borders at Bliderud are under development. Some are created from scratch, while others are redesigned. But then again, I assume garden borders never are completely finished.
The long flower border is a combination of small trees, shrubs and perennials. For variation a few annuals are placed here and there every year.
Last night was dramatic on the farm. An old tractor digger we have borrowed from a friend self ignited and started to burn. I don’t know how it started, but I first noticed the smell, then saw what I first thought was fog. However, the combination made me run to find out what was happening.
Despite the cold weather, the plants are ready for a new season. Tulips, daffodils and fruit trees are competing for our attention and we’re looking forward to a new season in the garden.
Although the spring has been unusually cold this year, we have already completed a lot of tasks on our list. Building raised beds, sowing, and preparing for a new-build are just a few of our activities. We have also managed to squeeze in a trip to Poland.