I got the idea for apple butter from a blog called Sugar Spun Run. However, since I used the leftover apples after steaming the apples for juice (see recipe), I did not need to cook the apples for 10 hours. Check out Sam’s description if you have to prepare the apples first.
3-4 kg peeled apples (I had 2,5 kg apple mash)
200 g brown sugar
150 g white (granulated) sugar
1 tbs cinnamon
¼ ts salt
¼ ts cloves
2 ts vanilla paste

After steam juicing, my apples were nicely cooked down and just needed the spices. Here is a description of what I did with them:
- Pour the apple mash into a pot and turn on the heat for slow cooking (low heat not to burn)
- Mix the sugar and spices and stir into the apple mash
- Use an immersion blender to puré the mix
- Slowly cook the apple mixture until it has a thick consistency. I didn’t cook it for more than 30 minutes.
- Fill the apple butter into sterilised jars.
- For long term storage, cook the apple jars in water bath for 20 min.

What to Use Appe Butter for
The apple butter can be used for baking or as a bread spread. Check this website for ideas. The taste of cloves reminds me of Christmas.

See my instructions for steam cooking apple juice.