My Garden Dream
I have always dreamt about having a garden. A space with lush foliage and mature trees. Lots of flowers through the entire summer as well as things to harvest. And, a place to sit and relax.
This is our small farm in Sweden. It is 17 acres (or 7 hectare) whereof half is forest and half is arable fields. For the time being we only use a small part of the fields and a neighbour cuts the grass to maintain the fields. But we have many plans and projects and you are welcome to read about them here.
I have always dreamt about having a garden. A space with lush foliage and mature trees. Lots of flowers through the entire summer as well as things to harvest. And, a place to sit and relax.
It has been a hard winter, particularly for our trees and shrubs. However, those that have made it are starting to bloom.
May is the time for rhubarb harvest. I have researched ways of using rhubarb, and here is a list of what I have done this year.
Despite telling everybody that we’re never going to have animals on our farm, we now have 12 young ducks. We’ve had them for 3 weeks, and they are doing fine. expanding and reconfiguring several flower beds.
After my retirement last Autumn, I am finally gardening full time. As usual, I’m too ambitious for my own good. I sown more seed than previous years and I’m expanding and reconfiguring several flower beds.
While the snow piles down and the temperature creeps down to minus 20 degrees Celsius, it is good to think about the summer ahead as well as the summer past. Here, I have put together a film and nice images from the garden last summer.
Nothing tastes like natural apple juice. No sugar added. Just pure juice – delicious. Here are descriptions of the two methods I have used to make juice.
The fruitcake contains a lot of dried fruit (600 g), and you can use any kind of fruit that you like. The recipe is easy to make and here is a description of how you do it.
My Success Tart Cookies are based on a Norwegian kake called The Success Tart (Suksessterte). It was invented in Vadsø in the late 1970s and quickly spread all over Norway. Today, you’ll find a lot of different versions of the recipe, but my cookies are based on the original recipe that I received from a native.
I have used the remains after steaming apples juice to make a tasty apple butter that can be used for baking or as a bread spread. See the recipe here.
I have always dreamt about having a garden. A space with lush foliage and mature trees. Lots of flowers through the entire summer as well as things to harvest. And, a place to sit and relax.
Despite telling everybody that we’re never going to have animals on our farm, we now have 12 young ducks. We’ve had them for 3 weeks, and they are doing fine. expanding and reconfiguring several flower beds.
Nothing tastes like natural apple juice. No sugar added. Just pure juice – delicious. Here are descriptions of the two methods I have used to make juice.